The Emergent Market

The Emergent Market conditions determine product success.

“Cause and effect, means and ends, seed (human existence) and fruit (what we do) cannot be severed: For the effect already blooms in the cause , the end preexists in the means, the fruit in the seed.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Emergent Market concept all begins with what market you are selling to. Then the “who of who” you are you selling to. How should you sell, promote, sample, etc?

Our goal is to provide timely recommendations to assist with branding your product and augmenting your sales initiatives.

In the old agricultural days, a farmer needed to get his perishable crops or produce to market as soon as possible. He would ask himself which size buggy should I use? Do I need to saddle up the team of horses? What farm road will get my yield to the market fastest? If there is rain how can I protect my crops on the way there? Our farmer had a myriad of questions that needed answers right now. Nothing has changed today.

Celeritas186 can provide actionable results based guidance in this dominate age of Amazon, Shopify , Paypal and a host of others, so if you are marketing a product, brand or service just like our farmer on the way to the market the c186 team can help you to ask similar questions yet with answers that provide a modern reference point of how it’s done in the Speed of Light-Now world of the internet.