Celeritas186 - About

Where we've been and where we are going.

The Celeritas186 team is used to being in the super-charged, laser-guided world of product development , technology, event,Internet and social media.

We know the need for balance between metrics and street credibility. This is at our core, make it fun, make it real, create the right landscape and integrate the metrics to get to the bottom line, a revenue model that is not happenstance but planned and measurable.,

Our team has worked for and with the likes of Universal Entertainment, MTV, ESPN, Apple, Whole Foods, Costco etc. and a host of other fortune 500, entertainment and sports media companies.

Our creative; media and research professionals are constantly involved in seeking solutions as to the market needs. Our in-depth knowledge of the nuances concerning Internet marketing and social media results in marketing communications programs that are:

  • Distinctly “street credible”.
  • Make a strong brand consumer connection.
  • Stand out from the competition.
  • Create a unique and compelling personality and brand character.
  • Support brands overall marketing program.
  • Provide basis for assessment and productive learning for future activity.

With all that being said now is the time for Celeritas186 to get your company moving at the Speed of Light-Now!